Rubella virus-induced cytopathic effect in vitro is caused by apoptosis.


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Rubella virus-induced cytopathic effect in vitro is caused by apoptosis.

Rubella virus (RV) generally causes a mild disease but it is highly teratogenic when infection occurs during the first trimester of gestation. Under in vitro conditions, RV induces characteristic cytopathic changes on several cell lines, e.g. cell detachment from the monolayer and condensation of chromatin. The purpose of this study was to characterize RV-induced cell death and to determine the...

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Investigations showed: haemoglobin 12 8 g/dl; white cell count 11 3 x 109!l (11 300/mm3), with 15 % eosinophils; blood urea 10-3 mmol/I (62 mg/ 100 ml); blood glucose 5-4 mmol/l (98 mg/100 ml); and serum sodium 129 mmol(mEq)/l, potassium 5-2 mmol(mEq)/l, and chloride 97 mmol (mEq)/l. Chest and abdominal x-ray pictures were normal. Antinuclear factor and thyroid and parietal cell antibodies were...

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Studies on Rubella Virus: Cytopathic Effect in Vero Cells-cercopithecus Kidney Line

中に この抗体 が明 らかな 変動 を示 さなかつ た, HVJと の混同 は他の血清学的, 生物学的試験成績 か らも明 らか に否定で きた. 次 に血球凝集抑制試験 (HI) による特異 性の証拠 であるが, RV接 種後CPEを 呈す るVero細 胞培養に産生 され るガチ ョウ血球 に 対す る 血球凝集素 (HA) を用 いて, 回復期患者血清, 他 の研究室 由来 のRV 陽性対照血清お よび上記 のRVウ サギ抗血清, 異種 ウ イルス抗血清につ いてHIを 行 ない, 常法 であるBHK21細 胞産生 のRVのHAを 用 いた成績 と比較 した とこ ろ本 質的差 のない成績 を得た. す なわ ち, CPEを 起 し てHAを 産 生 してい るVero細 胞培養 でRVが 増殖 しているこ とを示 唆 している. 以上 に加 えて, 1) RV感 染細胞 にヘ...

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Rubella virus: growth and cytopathic effect in primary cultures of cells of rabbit embryos.

Primary cultures of rabbit (New Zealand white) embryo cells support growth of rubella virus. Distinct cytopathic changes are discernible within 6 to 8 days after inoculation. This cell system has been successful for the recovery of rubella virus from clinical materials and the demonstration of neutralizing antibody in patient serum.

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of General Virology

سال: 1999

ISSN: 0022-1317,1465-2099

DOI: 10.1099/0022-1317-80-7-1657